Please add the SDPPI PIC WhatsApp number to your account for easier communication and to receive the latest information regarding approvals and certifications. It’s simple, just input the PIC WhatsApp number into your SDPPI account and remember to save it securely. Adding the PIC WhatsApp number ensures you don’t miss out on important information.

Ensure to always update the WhatsApp contact number of the person in charge (PIC) on your SDPPI account to stay connected with the latest information and support smooth communication processes.

The purpose of updating the PIC number on the SDPPI account is to ensure that all notifications, such as issued SP2 permit notifications, rejection notifications, or notifications regarding incomplete applications, can quickly reach the PIC. This ensures timely responses and optimizes the communication process between parties involved in SDPPI permit management.

Thank you for your attention to this information.

If you need Type Approval Postel / SDPPI Approval Services or wish to consult first, you can contact us at:

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