November 06, 2023 – There has been a socialization regarding the implementation of testing rates based on Government Regulation No. 43 Year 2023.
The socialization discusses the proposed revision of Government Regulation No. 80 of 2015 Article 1 Point C, namely regarding the types of non-tax revenues applicable to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. In this item, there is a simplification of Non-tax revenue (PNBP) types into clusters that have been implemented in the SIMPEL feature. As well as the elimination of VIP and VVIP testing.
Furthermore, there is a new SP2 format for field testing at BBPPT. If previously the testing fee and accommodation fee were used as 1 (one) invoice, now they will be separated because they will go to different ministry accounts between testing fees and accommodation, consumption, and transportation costs. Therefore, the applicant will get 2 (two) SP2 invoices that must be paid.
The next adjustment is regarding Article 25 which contains consideration of Non-tax revenue (PNBP) rates as can be set up to Rp 0.00 (zero rupiah), if:
- Testing is carried out for the activities of government agencies.
- Testing is carried out for the purposes of information and communication technology development research by domestic Information and Communication Technology Education / Research / Industry institutions.
Provided that the government agency’s work program and a copy of the cooperation document are attached.
And there is a reduced tariff for testing telecommunication equipment and/or devices up to 50% provided that a certificate of Domestic Component Level (TKDN) that meets the TKDN value of 50% is attached.
Also Read : Government Regulation Number 43 Year 2023: Regulation on New Fees for Issuing SDPPI Certificates
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) testing is a test that aims to measure the amount of absorption of electromagnetic radiation energy by the human body which will effectively implemented on December 1, 2023 SAR testing must be carried out for telecommunications equipment / devices whose use is in direct contact with the human body.
SAR testing for the purposes of Post and Telecommunication Certification (POSTEL) in Indonesia only accepts Test Result Reports (LHU) originating from Indonesia. Currently, the only Indonesian lab that can conduct SAR testing is BBPPT.
SAR testing is planned to implement 3 system tests, namely on the head, body and hands. However, SARb testing implemented in 2023 only has 1 system test, for the head. The sample requirement for special SAR testing in 2023 is 1 sample. However, when BBPPT already has 3 system tests, 3 samples are needed so that the testing time can be optimized by parallel testing.
The SAR testing standards used by BBPPT are as follows:
- IEC/IEEEE 62209 – 1528: 2020
- FCC 941225
- Perdirjen SDPPI
- ICNIRP 2020
Testing Time
SAR testing takes approximately 5-6 days for 2G, 3G and 4G testing.
Testing Cost
The cost of SAR testing based on Government Regulation No. 43 of 2023 is IDR 7,000,000.00 for per-band, technology, and position. For SAR testing positions will be carried out for the head and body and arms.
SAR Test Cost Simulation
The following is a simulation of the calculation of SAR test costs at BBPPT:
- 2G (2 Band) 2 x 7,000,000 = 14,000,000
- 3G (2 Band) 2 x 7,000,000 = 14,000,000
- 4G (5 Bands) 5 x 7,000,000 = 35,000,000
Total SAR test cost = Rp 63,000,000.00
If you are a manufacturer, distributor, importer, laboratory, or other entity that wants to distribute telecommunication devices and needs Postel / SDPPI Type Approval Certification Services or wants to consult first, you can contact us at: